Innovative Design
Innovative Design: Developed with the latest technology to ensure maximum performance and comfort.
The Wingsk8 V4 is a skate designed for Wingskate, wingsurfing on ice. You use slalom boots for the skate, which provides very good stability and control. The height of the skate allows you to use a larger wing and you can get through snow if it is not too tightly packed. The length of the skate and the radius of the contact surface provide very high stability and it is possible to sail really fast with it. The binding fits boots up to size 45.
Wingskate is the perfect entry point to Wingfoil if you haven't gotten started on the water. It is very easy to learn and most people ski independently after just abut an hour of instruction. If you already know how to wingfoil, wingskates are a fun option in the winter and perfect for continuing to practice wing handling, racing with your friends, long-distance excursions or going to the World Championships and sweeping the track.
The Wingsk8 V4 is designed for maximum speed, control and smooth running but at the same time be able to make tight turns when needed. wingskate with enhanced stability and speed. Ideal for seasoned wingsurfers.
Innovative Design: Developed with the latest technology to ensure maximum performance and comfort.
We use a World-leading steel supplier for the hardened blades. Originally developed for amputation saws 😂.
High-quality materials for long-lasting durability and reliability on ice.
The performance, control, stability and smooth ride are appreciated by both beginners and the most advanced riders
I learned to wingskate in the winter before I started wingfoil. With no previous experience of either skating or sailing I was up and running after an hour or so course. In addition to the fantastic experiences on the ice, I had a great advantage of having gotten the wing handling into my muscle memory when it was time to wing on the water. Wingskate is super fun and very easy to learn. The skate is stable and most people sail independently after an hour or so of training, even without any previous experience of skating or wing surfing
I won the World Championships in Wingskating by far with my Wingsk8 V4 Prototypes (now in production). Clearly the fastest wingskates on the market. Excellent for both long distance and short track. I also took a world record in speed with Wingskates and wing. 103 km/h! Even at those speeds, the skate was completely stable and I could trust it 100%
As an organizer of wing skate courses, it is fascinating to see how easily the students learn to handle the skates and wing, even if they lack relevant experience in this type of sport. After a course, everyone can sail independently and even join in the race after training a few more times. This is unusual in the sport of sailing. Wingskate is by far the easiest entry into the sport of wingsurfing and we hope more people discover it as a course format and of course for the pure pleasure. See you on the ice!
Whether you're brand new to the sport or you have the ambition to be the best in the world, make sure this winter is the best of your life. If you have access to ice, wingskates will offer you unforgettable memories.